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John Plant

John Plant


John joined the Board in 2013 with a distinguished naval and academic career. He began as a cadet at RMC that soon took him to the UK where he trained as an engineer and reached the rank of Engineer Officer. After 3-years of service at sea, John was selected to study naval architecture at MIT. This set him on the path to meeting a group of systems engineers who encouraged him to complete a PHD (without the completion of an earlier degree). His thesis was published by MIT press as a research monograph series on systems engineering. John, now a Lieutenant, returned to Canada where he took up the post of Lecturer and several administrative posts before becoming Principal at RMC. His service with the RCN continued to the rank of Captain following his 9-year appointment as Commanding Officer at HMCS Cataraqui. John also has a long history of volunteering with engineering and military associations, but he would say he is most proud of the family he shares with his wife Kay; their 3 children, 6 grandchildren, and 3 great grandchildren.