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Land & Water Acknowledgement

Recognizing the long history of the land and waterways.


We Commit

Land/Water Acknowledgment
dry dock

“Ionkwanoronhkwa Ohneka; Kahnekaronnion Mmmmm; kahnekanoron Mmmmm”

(We love water; All types of water; Water is precious)

The waterways and land located within the Great Lakes catchment area have a long history predating the establishment of European settlements. The waterways in particular are to be acknowledged as the traditional trade routes of Indigenous Peoples; together providing a network of trade and travel routes essential to communities since time immemorial.

The Marine Museum of the Great Lakes at Kingston (Katarokwi) acknowledges the site it sits on and the water it interacts with to be the traditional territory of the Anishinaabek, Haudenosaunee of the Six Nations Iroquois Confederacy and the Huron-Wendat Peoples. We thank these nations for their care and stewardship over this land and water. We are committed to sharing this stewardship moving forward.

The Kingston Dry Dock National Historic Site is partly situated on what is traditionally known as Mississauga Point; an early seasonal trade settlement of the Mississauga and Algonquin Peoples. Industry and time have since changed the shape of this geographic landmark. The piers now located at this site are largely landfilled, and greatly altered the original waterline; as such, they have become an extension of Mississauga Point.

As the only museum in Canada exclusively representing the maritime history of the Great Lakes, we are committed to working with Indigenous Peoples to expand our narrative and build lasting relationships that offer opportunities for connecting and engaging with our shared histories.

Water Song

The lyrics quoted above are from “Water Song” by Theresa “Bear”Fox. These lyrics strongly echo the Museum’s own commitment to sharing this love, protecting our waters and connecting you with the culture and environment of the waterways.